Money Smart for Small Business Course

What is the Money Smart for Small Business Course?
The Money Smart for Small Business course (MSSB) introduces essential topics for starting and managing a business. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) developed this course to help aspiring and current entrepreneurs gain valuable skills. Whether you are just starting or want to improve your business knowledge, this course offers a comprehensive curriculum for small business owners.

Who Can Benefit?
Aspiring and current small business owners can benefit greatly from this course. Entrepreneurs seeking guidance in launching and managing their businesses will find the content especially useful. Professionals from financial institutions, Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs), women’s business centers, and economic development offices deliver the Money Smart for Small Business course. This broadens its reach and accessibility.
How to Access the Materials
Scroll down to view the materials. You can also easily download materials from Money Smart – Teach – For Small Business ( in both English and Spanish. Additionally, you can order the materials in CD format for more flexibility.
Why This Training?
This training offers a hands-on approach to business education, making it accessible and practical for aspiring and current entrepreneurs. No certifications are required to use the curriculum. Ideally, MSSB instructors have experience in the delivery of training, technical assistance or coaching to small businesses.
MSSB trainings for aspiring and existing entrepreneurs are conducted by the members of the Money Smart Alliance. A list of members may be helpful to find available training and assistance near you, although the list does not include all of the organizations that use Money Smart.
For more information, download the Top 10 Reasons to use the Money Smart for Small Business course flyer ( and begin your business journey today!
Looking for More Ways to Learn?
If you’re interested in expanding your knowledge or exploring additional free resources for small business success, we’ve got you covered. Click here to discover more tools, courses, and guides that can help you grow your business. Take advantage of these valuable resources to continue your journey toward success!