

Modernize, Fund, and Leverage the WBC Program at SBA to Carry Into the 21st Century

  • Re-authorize the WBC Program for the first time in 20 years.
  • Significantly increase the appropriations funding for the WBC program.
  • Prioritize WBCs as a technical assistance provider in future legislation.

Create Access to Capital Opportunities for Women Entrepreneurs

  • Reform SBA lending programs to ensure utility for women entrepreneurs.
  • Leverage the Community Reinvestment Act to increase lending to women.
  • Incentivize early-stage investment in women-owned companies through additional federal programs.
  • Increase funding, and designate funding for WOSBs, to the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs.
  • Ensure standardization and equitable deployment for the Department of Treasury's (DOT) State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) funding allocations.

Expand Opportunity for Women-Owned Small Businesses Through Open Government and Foreign Markets

  • Simplify the SBA's WOSB certification process and allow WBCs to certify businesses.
  • Adopt a trade policy agenda that prioritizes small and, by extension women-owned small businesses.

Level the Playing Field By Addressing Longstanding Barriers Women Entrepreneurs Disproportionately Experience

  • Expand women-oriented healthcare options to support women entrepreneurs.
  • Recognize solopreneur as a "job" under the Department of Labor (DoL) and IRS.
  • Ensure correct mechanisms are in place for women re-entering the workforce after incarceration.
  • Increase opportunities for women business owners to utilize federal assistance in childcare and caretaking.
  • Make affordable healthcare options for small businesses to increase competitiveness in the marketplace and retain talent.

Prepare the Next Generation of Women's Entrepreneurship by Increasing Knowledge and Viability

  • Enable entrepreneurs to save for retirement.
  • Provide opportunities for youth to learn about entrepreneurship and business.

Identify and Establish Gender Parity in Underrepresented Industries

  • Establish solutions for known industries where women are underrepresented help bridge the gender divide.
  • To comprehensively understand the industries where women are underrepresented, implement a GAO study to identify which industries have the most disparate representation and potential avenues to increase WOSB presence.
  • Create and deploy a national broadband plan to ensure that entrepreneurs in low-income and rural communities have the same opportunity to fast and reliable internet.